April 21, 2012 – VA3XPR Global 360 Net
Guest Speaker: Al Thurber, VE1AKT, President, International Repeater Group
Overview: Providing emergency communications using linked amateur radio repeaters can be a very effective method of communicating information between disparate areas during times of emergency or natural disaster. The International Repeater Group (IRG), in conjunction with the New Brunswick Emergency Measures Organization (NBEMO), operates a network of 23 linked amateur radio repeaters across the province of New Brunswick, to provide a comprehensive back-up communications network to those used by public safety and emergency services.
Please join in to the VA3XPR Global 360 Net where our guest speaker Al Thurber, VE1AKT, President of the International Repeater Group, will provide an overview of this network and the IRG’s partnership with the NBEMO, plus provide an update on recent activities, such as the preparations for the recommissioning of NB Power’s Point Lepreau Nuclear Generating Station.
The net details are below:
Date: April 21, 2012
Time: 14:00 UTC
RF (Toronto Area): 441.950+ PL 100 Hz (VA3XPR)
IRLP Reflector: 9558
EchoLink Conference: *VK3JED* (42840)
Net Minutes
We would like to thank Al, VE1AKT, President of the International Repeater Group for joining us as a guest speaker for this net and providing us with such a great overview of the IRG and it’s operations. For more information about the IRG, please refer to the IRG website.
An audio transcript of this net can be heard by listening to the below audio file:
VA3XPR Global 360 Net Apr 21 2012 International Repeater Group
For an overview of the IRG repeater system, please check out the below network diagram: