Are you one of those fortunate hams who are just a hop skip and a jump from the VA3XPR repeater? Can you actually see the repeater site from your QTH? If the answer is yes and you have a high-speed Internet connection that you’d be willing to donate a few gigabytes from for a good cause, then we would like to hear from you!
In an effort to increase the performance and functionality of the IRLP and EchoLink connection that the VA3XPR repeater uses, the repeater team is looking to establish a 5.0 GHz wireless link to a landline-based Internet connection. Such a connection requires an unobstructed line-of-sight path to the repeater QTH and with so many tall buildings in the downtown area, this can be quite a challenge. If you think your QTH will fit the bill, please email va3xpr@gmail.com and let us know!
Not sure where the VA3XPR repeater is located? Click here to and find out!