Global 360 Net Topics Survey

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Global 360 Net Topics Survey

Do you have a suggested topic for the Global 360 Net that you’d like to share or perhaps weigh in on a variety of other topics? Then please share it with us! We’re looking for interesting and engaging topics for the net and need your help.

Check out the VA3XPR Repeater Facebook page and complete the Global 360 Net Topics survey – it’s that easy! The VA3XPR Repeater Facebook page can be found here.

About Don Trynor, VA3XFT

Don is a 16-year veteran of the telecommunications industry and a licensed Canadian ham radio operator since 1988. He is passionate about VHF/UHF repeater communications, especially using digital modes and he has owned and operated a number of ham radio repeater installations over the years, including ones in both the provinces of Ontario (VE3/VA3) and New Brunswick (VE9). In addition to ham radio, Don enjoys traveling, hiking, kayaking, biking and astronomy.