Canadian Distracted Driving Legislation

Radio Amateurs of Canada RACMarch 31, 2012 – VA3XPR Global 360 Net

Guest Speaker: Geoff Bawden, VE4BAW, President, Radio Amateurs of Canada

Overview: Distracted Driving Legislation has appeared in several Canadian provinces as a way of stemming unsafe driving practices, thereby reducing the number of motor vehicle accidents and fatalities in these jurisdictions. As a result of this legislation, the use of Amateur Radio in vehicles has been affected. Please join in to the VA3XPR Global 360 Net where our guest speaker Geoff Bawden, VE4BAW, President of Radio Amateurs of Canada, will provide an update on this legislation and the efforts of Radio Amateurs of Canada to minimize the impact to Amateur Radio operations.

RSVP: Click here (registration not required)

The net details are below:

Date: March 31, 2012
Time: 14:00 UTC
RF (Toronto Area): 441.950+ PL 100 Hz (VA3XPR)
IRLP Reflector: 9558
EchoLink Conference: *VK3JED* (42840)

Net Minutes

We would like to thank Radio Amateurs of Canada President, Geoff Bawden, VE4BAW fr joining us as a guest speaker for this net and for providing updates on distracted driving legislation, RAC progress on the proposed 60m & 600m bands, plus updates on other RAC activities. An audio transcript of this net can be heard by listening to the below audio file:

VA3XPR Global 360 Net Mar 31 2012 RAC Distracted Driving Update

About Don Trynor, VA3XFT

Don Trynor is a seasoned telecommunications professional with 16 years of industry experience and a licensed Canadian ham radio operator since 1988. Passionate about VHF/UHF repeater communications and digital modes, Don combines technical expertise with a love for exploring the outdoors through traveling, hiking, kayaking, biking, and astronomy.